Are these the best surfing spots in the world?
17 January, 2017Biggest Waves in Tenerife
29 January, 2017Hi everyone! As you might know if you have lived in the Canary Islands, locals have always gone abroad to discover new waves and surfing spots. Since the late 1980’s plenty of surfers went to Indonesia so currently many locals have surfed in Mentawai Islands, Lombok, Gili Trawangan, Bali, etc, but Indonesia is not as trendy as before in terms of surfing because it has become an over-touristic place, Bali has plenty of surfing spots for example but they are crowded. So which is the place to go right now? Which country has good waves, less people, plenty of surfing spots and is particular for its beauty, wildness and culture ? SRI LANKA ! Take a look at this video first:
According to , Sri Lanka has good waves, offshore winds and is cheap to travel inside. On the other hand, there is pollution, localism and rests of the civil war on their people. They recommend good travel advice before going to Sri Lanka in 2017.
But where are the best surfing spots in Sri Lanka? The best website that really deserves a mention as before is as they have the most amount of information about Sri Lanka’s surfing on the Internet. They even have a list with a score for each beach and wave, direction of wave, type of wave, frequency and level of experience. You can take a look at it here. You can rank surf spots by Quality and that is what I’ve done to get this list and write it down for you. If you disagree, please tell us your opinion, our only intention is to inform people about Sri Lanka’s best surfing spots but there are many more than on this list, we from Atlantik Surf recommend to see them all if possible:
- ARUGAM BAY: Arugam Bay has a 3.5 out of 5 possible points, the same as all the next surfing spots. It has right waves and the type of wave is point-break. 3/4 Frequency of waves during the year. All surfers allowed.
- BENNYS: Bennys is a left wave on a reef-coral, there is no frequency rank and it’s only for experiences surfers.
- CORAL GARDEN: Coral Garden has right and left side waves on a rocky reef and its only for Pros or Kamikazes. LOL.
- DEWATA, GALLE: Dewata has rights and lefts, point-break type of wave, 4/4 frequency of waves during year and its for All surfers.
- LOCAL’S POINT: Local’s Point has right and left waves, coral-reef and it’s only for experienced surfers and it has a 3/4 frequency.
- MADIHA: Madiha is a powerful left on reef-coral, 3/4 frequency and for experienced surfers.
- MAIN POINT: Main Point is a powerful right on reef-coral, 3/4 frequency and only for experienced surfers.
- MATARA: Matara is a sand bar right, perfect for All surfers with a good frequency of 3/4 throughout the year and there is no coral so this is your wave if you are a beginner.
- OKANDA: Okanda is a right point break for all surfers and a good frequency of waves throughout the year.
- PEANUTS FARM: Peanuts Farm is a right point break, for all surfers and a 3/4 frequency of waves during the year.
More Info about Sri-Lanka’s Surf Spots here:
- Wanna Surf
- Surf South Sri Lanka
- Talalla Retreat
- Surf Travel
- Magic Sea Weed
- Global Surfers
- Sri Lanka Wikipedia