Cantabria Surfcamps
11 June, 20122012 Surferucas Festival
5 July, 2012California remains the mecca of surfing but with each passing day surfers of different countries are better spots or surf spots in their home countries.
Each year various publications produced a ranking of the best beaches in Spain for surfing, a list that almost always include the same places and scenarios, privlegiados havens on the Spanish coast.
This time is the Travel Journal which makes an interesting walk along the coast of Spain to discover the mythical sites and to practice this sport on the rise, more and more followers.
Perhaps the best known is the beach of Mundaka Vizcaya. It is world famous for its waves hollow and very long, so come to her surfers from all over the world.
Tarifa is the beach of Tarifa, especially attractive in autumn and spring seasons, because in those days the waves can reach up to three meters high when the wind changes to Levante Poniente.
In Lanzarote shines the beach of San Juan de Famara, which hosted a European Championship Surf. Between October and May their particular optimal conditions.
Also on the island of Lanzarote is situated Quemao Beach in Lanzarote, with spectacular waves up to 4 meters in height only suitable for surfers with extensive experience.
If not your case and you need to improve, you can sign up to the best surf lessons in the Canary Islands.