Surf- oder Rockstar? Geht beides?

Ein Brief des ASP-Chefs Paul Speaker machte in der letzten Woche die Runde. Ab 2015 werde die Association of Surfing Professionals zur World Surf League umbenannt.
Ist es nicht ziemlich mutig, einen Namen der seit 1982 besteht und sich sogar gegen I>nternational Professional Surfers (IPS) durchsetzte, zu ändern? Vielleicht nicht! Vielleicht ist es genau richtig. Paul Speaker hat während seiner Amtszeit schon viele Neuerungen veranlasst und die ASP damit bisher absolut zum Positiven verändert. Zuletzt haben wir uns über das gelungene neue Webdesign gefreut. Speaker hatte außerdem nicht eine Gegenstimme aus professionellem Kreis, wie er im Brief behauptet.
To the ASP community,
At the start of the 2015 season, we will change our name to the World Surf League (WSL). We’re making this change because we believe the new name is easier to understand, and gets us on a better track to serve our fans, athletes and partners, and to grow the great sport of professional surfing worldwide.
There’s been a lot of change in the last two years. Part of it you can see, such as new venues and enhanced live broadcasts. Some of it is behind the scenes. All of it is driven by the twin goals of preserving the heritage and culture of surfing while, at the same time, creating an even better foundation to grow our sport in the future.
We want you to know that changing our name was a carefully considered decision for us. We felt it was important to share this idea with as many people in the ASP community as we could, from athletes to past world champions to event partners. In the end, we were greatly comforted by the fact that not a single person we spoke with opposed changing names to the World Surf League. Not one.

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